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Child.org recently joined our network as a ‘friend of SWIDN’, here they introduce themselves to our members….

11 May 2023

Welcoming Child.org to SWIDN


Hello – it’s Hattie here. I’m the Communications and Fundraising Officer for Child.org – it’s a pleasure to introduce ourselves to the network.  Child.org is a maternal and child health charity working to champion perinatal care in Kenya and keep mums and babies safe, alive and healthy.  We are passionate about knowledge-sharing, so we’re thrilled to join SWIDN and get to know members better.

Who we are:

Children born in sub-Saharan Africa are 15 times more likely to die in childhood than children in Europe and North America, and the earliest days of life are still the most dangerous for children born in Kenya and all over Africa.

At Child.org we are working to combat this. We work with local parents, communities and government to provide life-saving antenatal and postnatal health information, connect at-risk mums and babies with healthcare services and work with local health authorities to advocate for and improve the quality of perinatal care.

Our team is based between Bristol (fundraising/finance) and Nairobi and Meru in Kenya (programming).

Come and say hello!

We’re hosting our annual “Shindig” celebration in Bristol on April 21stfrom 7pm (The Square Club, 15 Berkeley Square, Bristol BS8 1HB), where we’ll be joined by our CEO and Programmes Manager who are flying in to join us from Kenya. It’s a chance for us to share and celebrate our wins in maternal and child health work in Kenya, network and discuss the organisation’s future plans.

We’d love to extend an invite to SWIDN members interested in networking. I know it can be a little awkward (another charity – gah!) but we are keen to champion and harness networking opportunities so we can share and learn, so if anyone is interested, please feel free to join us – drop me an email (hattie@child.org).

Originally posted 29th March 2023

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